Monday, August 16, 2010

Should i get back with my ex even tho my dad don't like him but i love him?

well me and my ex been together for 5 months we broke up because my family don't like him because he looks like a gangster and well i broke up with him i use to talk to him in the down low for 3 weeks and well he use to tell me that he would cry for me and smell the perfume he bought me and always think of me and well i know i believed him. also his mom asked how i was doing and i know his mom wouldn't ask for me because she didn't like me but for sum reason she asked for me and also i regret for braking up with him i really do i still love him but i don't know if i really should get back with him but im just tired of everybody telling me what kind of guy i should date. and well kinda everything reminds me of him i just don't know wat to do?Should i get back with my ex even tho my dad don't like him but i love him?
Look...From what you wrote, you sound young and nieve. I dont mean to be harsh here, but you have to know it. Your Dad loves you more then this douche bag. He is looking after you, and you should respect that...Im not saying your dad wont be wrong time to time, but deep down inside you know he is right. Dating a ';gangster'; is going to get you where? In all honesty, this guy isnt going to do anything with his life, and he is going to bring you down with him.

Do what you want, as we all have to learn from our mistakes, but deep down inside you know that your dad and rest of the family are right. They are just looking after you because they, as well as every other guy in the world, knows that this gangster kid of yours is a loser.

I say ditch him. Move on. It might hurt since you love him, but you'll get over it.Should i get back with my ex even tho my dad don't like him but i love him?
sounds like you guys really like each other should get back together...

them telling you who you should date is their opinion nobody knows you that good even if they think they do and if your family dont like him thats their problem, it's your life, they just have to learn to get along with who you love
You should be able to date whoever you want, but do you really want to date someone that causes conflict in your family? There are millions of people out there - why strain your relationship with your family for just this one guy? You will get over him and you will meet someone more suitable!
Do you like to walk forwards or backwards?

Do you look to the future or sit on the past %26amp; dwell?

Exes are part of the past, part of learning - old news %26amp; old problems that stick like glue %26amp; never change. Move forward.

The past is black %26amp; white, bland.

Go for the new, the future.
Parents probably know best, and if your gangster boyfriend can't / won't put up the effort freshen up for a parental review than I believe all is lost.

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